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Дорогие заводчики, апсо владельцы и просто интересующиеся породой Лхаса Апсо, мы рады Вас приветствовать на нашем форуме!
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Автор Тема: Стандарт The Federation Cynologique Internationale (FCI)  (Прочитано 13576 раз)
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« : 18.05.2011, 19:49:38 »

24.06.2015 / EN
FCI-Standard N° 227

©M.Davidson, illustr. NKU Picture Library
FCI-St. N° 227 / 24.06.2015
ORIGIN: Tibet (China).
PATRONAGE: Great Britain.
STANDARD: 18.03.2015.
FCI-CLASSIFICATION: Group 9 Companion and Toy Dogs.
Section 5 Tibetan breeds.
Without working trial.

BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY: The Lhasa Apso comes from
Tibet where many live at high altitudes and the climate can be
severe. He has to be a hardy little dog to withstand these conditions,
and this has had a great influence on his development. His long, hard
coat with its dense undercoat acts as insulation during winter, and
the fall of hair over his eyes protects them from the wind, dust and
The Apso is one of several Eastern breeds to come to the West. The
first Apsos arrived in Britain in the early 1920s and were being
shown in London soon after. When they were first seen in Britain
they were confused with other shaggy Oriental dogs and all were
labelled ‘Lhasa Terriers’. Later a distinction was made, especially
between the Apso and the Tibetan Terrier which is thought to have
been behind the early Apsos. A breed club for the Lhasa Apso was
established in Britain in 1933.

GENERAL APPEARANCE: Well balanced, sturdy, heavily
coated, without excess.

IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS: Length from point of shoulders
to point of buttocks greater than height at withers.
FCI-St. N° 227 / 24.06.2015
BEHAVIOUR AND TEMPERAMENT: Gay and assertive. Alert,
steady but somewhat aloof with strangers.
HEAD: Head furnishings with fall over eyes; but not affecting the
dog’s ability to see, good whiskers and beard.

Skull: Moderately narrow, falling away behind eyes, not quite flat,
but not domed or apple headed.
Stop: Medium.

Nose: Black.
Muzzle: About 4cms, but not square; length from tip of nose roughly
one third of total length from nose to back of skull. Foreface straight.
Jaws / Teeth: Upper incisors close just inside lower i.e. reverse
scissor bite. Incisors in a broad and as straight a line as possible. Full
dentition desirable.
Eyes: Dark. Medium size, frontally placed, oval, neither large nor
full, nor small and sunk. No white showing at base or top.
Ears: Pendant, heavily feathered.
NECK: Strong and well arched.
BODY: Balanced and compact.
Topline: Level.
Loin: Strong.
Chest: Ribs extending well back.
TAIL: High set, carried well over back but not like a pot-hook.
Often a kink at end. Well feathered.

Shoulder: Well laid back.
Forearm: Forelegs straight, heavily furnished with hair.
Forefeet: Round, cat-like with firm pads. Well feathered.
FCI-St. N° 227 / 24.06.2015
General appearance: Well developed with good muscle. Good
angulations. Heavily furnished with hair.
Metatarsus (Rear pasterns): Hocks when viewed from behind
parallel and not too close together.
Hind feet: Round, cat-like with firm pads. Well feathered.

GAIT / MOVEMENT: Free and jaunty.
Hair: Top coat long, heavy, straight, hard neither woolly nor silky.
Moderate undercoat. Coat never impeding action.
Colour: Golden, sandy, honey, dark grizzle, slate, курю, particolour,
black, white or brownish. All equally acceptable.

Ideal height at the withers: Males: 25 cms, females slightly smaller.
FAULTS: Any departure from the foregoing points should be
considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be
regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect
upon the health and welfare of the dog.

 Aggressive or overly shy.
 Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities
shall be disqualified.
 Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully
descended into the scrotum.
 Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with breed typical
conformation should be used for breeding.
The latest amendments are in bold characters.

p.s. Взят с официального сайта FCI

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